Friday, January 6, 2012

By the light of the silvery moon...

I'm looking for a dining chandelier that needs a strong presence but not too edgy or kitschy with shells.
I think this has the image of a classic shape reminiscent of Regency style with abalone shells instead of crystal beads. I think it's my best pick but I still had to look around to justify my decision...
 This one is fun but I am afraid it's just too gimmicky for my project.
 Of course this is a traditional shape but capiz shells have well, they still remind me of Pier 1...
 Too crunchy like someone glommed on the shells with their new hot glue gun...
 Not all encrusted looking oyster shells are alike, like this one I think shows more control, but I'm looking for a chandelier...
 No, no, no it's exactly what's wrong with shell light fixtures. But then I'm not fond of overdone Baccarat crystal Louis Philippes' anyway...
This is another cute sconce but don't you get the feeling if you look at it long enough the snail shells begin to move, it kind of creeps me out.

Well, after spending some time researching I think my first choice is still my best choice.
If you have any other suggestion please let me know.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Living a life refined...

This rusty iron garden urn symbolizes the juxtaposition found along my stretch of the bay where there are sweeping live oak boughs laden with spanish moss and where sea shells can be hunted on the gulf beach a few miles away. It also describes a irreverent attitude of a classical design element paired with art found in nature.